Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I have just come back from Eritrea in Africa. I am a reporter from the United States of America and I went to Eritrea to find out some facts about them. It’s a very small country, but it seems very big when you’re not looking at a map. There is much history in Eritrea. There is also much culture in Eritrea.

I landed about 9am this morning in Eritrea. I left around 6pm last night. I’m living in a little village in Eritrea. I’m going to have many facts for my paper when I come back to New York in about 2 weeks. I am in the New York Times paper and am doing an article on Eritrea.

I am traveling through the many forests of Eritrea. I have seen many amazing animals around these forests. I actually got to see a wild cheetah attack prey on a Gazelle. The cheetah was graceful as it jumped on the Gazelle. It was so quick it was as if it was a blur flashing before my eyes. I felt bad for the Gazelle, but the cheetah was beautiful.

I also saw a mother lion with her cubs. The cubs were sleeping with their mother while there father was keeping watch for any other lions to come near his wife and kids. They were so peaceful; they weren’t like the cheetah attacking the Gazelle.

All the people were so nice to show me around their towns and villages. I got many gifts from them for doing an article. I even visited one of their schools in Eritrea. They are very much educated in Eritrea. I was told there are about 824 schools in Eritrea. People will be amazed when they find out how such a small country has so many schools.

This is my last day here in Eritrea. I will miss the beautiful animals and all the people that were so kind to me. My plane leaves tomorrow about around 8am. I can’t wait to get back to the U.S. and tell everybody about my great time in Eritrea. These two weeks of my life are the two weeks I will never forget.


  1. Everybody can proof this is they are willing to come to eritrea with out any condition

  2. You can see more on may 24 victory day

  3. Total propogandra!!This was written by a supposed NYT reporter? No way. The author" is almost illiterate. Obviously this is a set up by the corrupt political leaders who stifle all the truth with torture and murder.

  4. What bull! This writer is obviously not from the NYT. This was probably written up by the dictator president before going on Facebook to brag about it to his friends.

  5. do lions and cheetahs even live in eritrea
