Thursday, April 23, 2009


President Isaias and the Delegation who are led by Andrew Mitchell, the British Shadow Foreign Secretary, had to discuss a wide variety of issues; between them, Somalia, bilateral cooperation and the role of NGO's. These issues could effect their future between Somalia and Eritrea.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


There are many art exihibitions held in Eritrea. This is to show the artistic looks of the Eritrean people. Many stage performances are held to express young talent. In Asmara there is an Arts Lover's Club. The people in the club are extremely talented and are very experienced in the field of art.


Football and cycling are the two most popular sports in Eritrea. Eritrea's name comes mostly from cycling. Eritrea sends many of its cyclists to national races all around the world. Most of the popular sports are held in Asmara stadium.

Monday, April 20, 2009


There are five main levels of education in Eritrea: pre-primary, primary, middle, secondary, post-secondary. There are about 238,000 children attending primary, middle, and the two secondary levels of education today. There are also many schools, around 824 in Eritrea which include two universities. Many are astounded that, that many kids go to school in such a small country.

Monday, April 13, 2009


There are many islands in Eritrea. The islands are Dahlak Archipelago, Hanish Islands, Harmil, and Nahaleg. There are also mountains in Eritrea Alid Volcano, Asseb Volcano, Dubbi Volcano,
Emba Soira, Gufa Volcano, Jalua Volcano, Mousa Ali, Nabro Volcano. The is only one peninsula Buri Peninsula. There are also many rivers in Eritrea. They are Aligide River, Anseba River,
Barka River, Comaile River, Damas River, Mareb River, Haddas River, Obel River, Tekezé River, Wadi Laba River, Wokiro River.


Eritrea has a pleasant temperature of about 60 degrees all year. They recieve about 508mm of rainfall normally. The eastern side climate is usually unpredictable. The hottest month is May. The coldest is from December to February which at night can get to freezing temperatures.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Early History

Eritrean history is one of the oldest of Africa and even the world.

Around the 8th century BC, a kingdom known as D'mt was established in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, with its capital at Yeha in northern Ethiopia. Its successor, the Kingdom of Aksum, emerged around the 1st century BC or 1st century AD and grew to be, according to Mani, one of the four greatest civilizations in the world, along with China, Persia, and Rome.

Mideavel History

The culmination of Islamic dominance in the region occurred in 1557 when an Ottoman invasion during the time of Suleiman I and under Ozdemir Pasha took the port city of Massawa and the adjacent city of Arqiqo, even taking Debarwa, then capital of the local ruler Bahr negus Yeshaq.

Current Events

A dozen Eritreans, who fled because they did not want to serve in their country's army, told AFP that if they were returned to Italy they would try to enter Switzerland again.

In Italy, "there is no shelter, no food, we had to live in the streets where people are racist," said Nam, an Eritrean in his thirties.

Another, Salih, agreed. "We will come back to Switzerland as many times as it takes because there is no way we will stay in Italy. We have so many problems; the Swiss authorities should take them into account."